Clay Mommies
with Rasta Asaru
Participants will enjoy a festive event full of laughter and artistry and creative fun. each participant will have the pleasure of food and drinks with each ticket purchase.
you don't have to be an artist but you do have to be fun...the event is expected to last about 3 hours. 2 hours to create your work of art and then another hour or so to mingle take pictures and enjoy the creative house gallery lounge and art space.
Students will create 3-dimensional busts using the medium of Polymer clay. Each student will get hands-on step-by-step training on the creation of a portrait/bust using his/her imagination. References are welcome but not needed.
Students build ceramic Polymer Figures using Oven-baked clays. Students will Review different building techniques to fabricate their concepts, be it slab or solid construction. Demonstrations include multiple ways of hand building, introductory clay handling, and surface treatments for ceramic sculpture.